liposuction results week

VASER liposuction

Liposuction is a popular procedure for people who want to lose weight and remove excess body fat from certain areas.

You can get rid of stubborn body fat with liposuction. But it is important that you have realistic expectations and understand that your new body can only be maintained by living a healthy lifestyle.

Ultrasonic-assisted lipsuction uses tumescent liquid and ultrasonic power in order to heat and melt subcutaneous fat. This allows for faster fat removal. UAL may require more incisions. This could leave fewer marks. A larger cut size can make it easier to remove more fat in a shorter amount of time. UAL is especially useful in removing fat from the neck and upper abdomen, sides, back, and sides.

VASER liposuction

VASER liposuction

Lipomas are benign fat growths.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction: Also called laser-guided lipo (or laser-guided lipo), this procedure involves the use of tumescent fluids. It is less painful and more bloody that standard liposuction. Laser energy is delivered by a small tube that is inserted underneath the skin.

Gynecomastia occurs when excess fat is under the breasts of a man.


A healthy and balanced diet can help prevent weight gain. Avoid simple carbs such as bread and pasta, and eat whole grains and fruits. You can ask your primary physician for help in choosing the best diet.

Before making a decision about whether or not to have lipo done, it is important that you discuss with your doctor the pros and cons. Liposuction should only be done after careful consideration.

You don't want to have liposuction performed by someone you don?t trust. Your success will depend on the skills, knowledge, experience, and expertise of your plastic surgeon.

Lipo procedure

Lipo procedure

VASERlipo (r). VASERlipo (r). Ultrasonic liposuction is a more natural version of traditional liposuction. It breaks down fat cells and allows for more natural extraction. It can be used under general or local anesthesia. You can also use it on your love handles, thighs and other areas. This can be used to remove excess fat from the flanks or back.

Only people who have achieved the desired results through lifestyle changes are recommended for lipotherapy. Lipotherapy may address areas like fat resistance after exercise or diet plans.

Patients with low skin elasticity may appear looser than those who have received treatment.

liposuction surgeon

Excellent shaping results in scarring of the soft tissue beds that is considerably worse than the previous liposuction. This makes liposuction in these locations difficult, necessitating ultrasound-assisted liposuction as a requirement for fat removal. Even using ultrasound-assisted liposuction necessitates boosting the VASER machine's power to remove the fat from 70% to 80%.

How does liposuction work?

How do I maintain my new shape?

liposuction surgeon
Liposuction clinic
Liposuction clinic

Many people are concerned that the fat could "comeback" after liposuction. After the fat cells are removed, there's no reason to worry about them coming back to your body. You will see results for a long time because fat cells cannot grow back. It is possible to maintain your newly formed body by eating well and exercising often.

Liposuction is a great way to get rid stubborn body fat. It is important that you have realistic expectations. You must also recognize that maintaining your new body will require a commitment towards a healthy lifestyle.

To make it easier to eliminate fat, super-wet liposuction uses a dilute local sedative service. It injects approximately the same amount of fat as the amount to be removed. This method results in a greater blood loss than the tumescent, but a significantly lower rate than the damp. Because it uses less lidocaine, this method is less risky than tumescent lipso.

Liposuction recovery

How can I promote healing and great results simultaneously?

Some persistent fat may not respond to diet and exercise. It is not surprising that lipo remains one of the most popular procedures in plastic surgery. Excessive fat is a common problem. You can reduce the excess fat with liposuction. This method is attractive and very effective. Lipo can be considered a way of removing excess fat.


liposuction results week
Liposuction recovery